Tuesday 22 March 2011

Curly Car Antenna Project

So I lost some inspiration for a week or two there. Guess it comes from doing so much yarn bombing lately. Thought I was going to do that Shipping Bollard thing but it was doing my head in. I need something really monotonous as I've just changed departments at work and I need something that I don't have to concentrate on and count stitches with. I was searching Ravelry and came across Kristen Stevenson's pattern for a car antenna yarn bomb. As you'd be able to see from my flickr photos, I've tried antenna's before and I didn't like the pattern I used. Too annoying and time consuming, but Kristen's are curly! How cute. I read the pattern and it seems to be very simple, fast and straight forward crochet. Just what I love.

So without further ado... here is my new project...


Sunday, April 3 · 12:00pm - 3:00pm
Highpoint shopping centre
200 Rosamond Road
Maribyrnong VIC 3032

Come and be a part of the Curly Car Antenna Project. We'll be yarn bombing at least 20 cars in the carpark with curly car antenna's.

All are welcome to attend. Take photos or video and upload onto the Twilight Taggers page. This even will be happening rain or shine.

Meet at noon outside Lincraft [located on level 2 near Borders] and we'll go from there.

If you wish to make some yourself, then Kristen Stevenson has a free pattern on Ravelry here:

And if you wish to join the facebook event then go here:
Special mention to Kristen Stevenson on Ravelry for the use of her car antenna photo [and pattern] until I've made one myself and can use my own image.

Luv Bali. 

Monday 14 March 2011

Float Away Duck Project

I've been yarn bombing for a long time now and wanted to do something different. After I saw a photo of a rubber duckie with a crochet jumper on it, I felt inspired to create the "Float Away Duck" project. Basically this was a project for me to crochet twenty little ducks with jumpers and set them off down the Yarra River in Melbourne and photograph them for my yarn bombing group Twilight Taggers. The event was held on the weekend and this is how it went down...

First I set about buying all the ducks and designing a pattern for their jumper. I could only find one on the internet but I didn't like it, so I made my own. It was a bit of trial and error.
Most of the ducks were made at work because they don't take long to work up.
Saturday was a lovely day to set the ducks off down the Yarra. The sun was out and it was a warm 30*C. First we needed a shot of the ducks waiting on the deck to take the plunge.
 And the one by one, they all made their way into the water...

Spectators stopped to watch the ducks float away. I even had two small children help me throw some ducks in. :)
Some ducks didn't quite work out how to stay upright...
And some ended up in the rubbish trays...
But over all it was a brilliant day out in the sunshine, watching the ducks make their way down the river and meeting some lovely new friends.

Feel free to click the duck photo on the side of the page to take you to my Flickr account with many more photos of the duck project.

Luv Bali.

Ideas For Yarn Bombs To Make

Some ideas for yarn bombs to make...

- Short pole piece
- Granny square on fence
- Scarf for statue
- Ducks
- Long pole piece
- Park bench topper 
- Bike stand
 - Your bike
- Park bench seat cover
- Train or bus seat cover
- Ship bollard topper
- Statue clothing
The ideas are endless.
Luv Bali. 

Things To Remember About Yarn Bombing

Just a few things to remember when yarn bombing...
- It can be illegal. Proceed with caution.
Be careful what you're attaching your tag to. Yarn bombing is effectively destruction of property and this is an offence. Whilst I have not come across anyone that has been arrested for this or warned, be aware that there is always the chance of this happening.
- It doesn't have to be perfect.
Yarn bombing is mainly done for objects that are out in the weather. They will get rained on and soggy and burnt by the sun. Your tag doesn't need to be perfect. Coming from a perfectionist, this can be hard to deal with but trust me, no use spending hours and hours perfecting the piece and making it look absolutely stunning, only to find it weathered and beaten - or stolen - a few days later.
- It may not stay up long.
Don't be discouraged if your tag doesn't stay up very long. It may be taken down by the council, or stolen by a passer by, or fallen down due to the weather. Whilst we'd all like to think our tags will stay there, the liklihood is minimal. If you don't like to see if your tags are taken, then put them in suburbs where you don't visit a lot and keep them fresh in your memory of photographs. If you don't mind seeing if they live or not, put them near where you travel and watch them when you can. I've had tags that have lasted less than half an hour [!] and I've had tags last weeks and weeks on end.
- Color is best - or contrast.
Yarn bombs always look amazing with lots and lots of color. Or go for a contrast. Don't you love the pictures of the brown tree's with a white lace yarn bomb on it. Go for something that's going to stand out.
- Use up your yarn stash and don't use expensive yarn.
Yarn bombing is great for using up your yarn stash - I know from personal experience! I have a wooden chest, plus three boxes full of yarn I've collected, bought or been given over the years. I've now cut it way way down due to trying to use it all up for yarn bombing. Don't use expensive yarn for yarn bombing. It's just a silly idea. Why pay so much for something that might not last that long. Also because, believe it or not, the cheaper yarn lasts longer outdoors. Acrylic yarn is amazing for surviving the elements.
- Photograph everything.
I can't say it enough - your yarn bomb may not last long! Take photos of it straight away. You'll appreciate your yarn bomb moreso from the photos you take, than from visiting the piece every day. Take good clear photos. If you know of photography students, then invite them along to shoot the yarn bombing. They'll love the experience and you'll get great shots.
- Carry a measuring tape at all times.
Best rule of all. I cannot count the number of times, when starting to yarn bomb, that I thought to myself "If only I had a measuring tape right now". Go and buy one of the cheap little retractable measuring tapes from your local craft shop and keep it in your bag. It's great for wiping out when you need to know the size of an object.
- Carry a ball of yarn and a hook at all times.
We all know how annoying it is to get stuck somewhere with nothing to do. Waiting for public transport. Waiting for someone at a cafe. Waiting in line for something. If you have your ball of yarn and a crochet hook or some knitting needles already with you, then there's your perfect chance to get started on a new yarn bomb. I always have something on the go and something in my bag waiting for that perfect opportunity. My tram to work is 20 minutes and it's surprising how much crochet can be done in that amount of time.
- Yarn bombing is meant to be fun!
Don't get too carried away. Yarn bombing is meant to be fun. Don't stress too much about the small things. If it looks perfect. The best place for the tag to go. Who will look at it. Will it get taken down? Too much analyzing takes the fun out of the whole thing. Many times I've gotten myself into a panic about a tag or an expedition and I've had to reel myself in and think "this is only meant to to fun - not a chore!"

Luv Bali.

What You'll Need To Take When Yarn Bombing

Here's a list of things you'll need to take when yarn bombing...

1. Scissors
Take a little pair of scissors with you to cut your yarn, cable ties etc.

2. Needles
Needles to sew the tag to the object. Larger needles will be easier for threading the yarn.

3. Cable ties
These are good if you're not sewing your piece or if you're wanting extra security for the tag, or to attach your calling cards.

4. Yarn bomb piece
The piece that you want to show off to the world.

5. Calling Card
The business cards or labels that you want to attach to your tag.

6. Extra yarn
You'll be surprised at how many times you don't bring along extra yarn and run out.

7. Camera
For proof that you've done your yarn bombing.

Luv Bali.

How To Yarn Bomb

I get asked all the time "How do you yarn bomb exactly?" So here's a How To guide on yarn bombing. This is just from my personal experience. Everyone does it differently. Everyone needs to find their own flow. Also keep in mind that I only crochet my yarn bombs. Yes I knit but very very rarely. Crochet is my ultimate craft so I only refer to crocheting yarn bombs not knitting them. Also forgive my wordiness. I like to write a lot.
1. Start easy!
We all get carried away and want to do something but like the famous pink tanker or even a tree but starting small is much better.
Start with something small like a small pole piece or a granny square and then you'd be done in no time and won't be discouraged with such a large time consuming project.
2. Make your yarn bomb tight
Don't subject yourself to watching your tag slide off your object because it's too big. Make your tags smaller than your object and stretch the piece so it hugs the object tightly. Example: if your pole is 18cm around, generally go for around 16cm around.
3. Pick a pattern that's quick to work up. Try harder ones next time.
When first getting into yarn bombing, pick an easy pattern for your tag. For crocheting, I like to do a row of DC and a row of TR because this works up quite quickly. Using patterns that work up quickly will again help you from becoming discouraged with the process of making a tag. Once you have this down pat, you can move on to some more complicated pattern pieces.

4. To sew or to tie?
To sew your tag or to cable tie your tag... Different people will say different things and it's also different depending on your tag and what object you're attaching it to.
If using only cable ties, you run the risk of the piece not looking neat and tidy.

If using only sewing, you run the risk of the piece not staying tied securely to the object.

Sewing a tag onto a horizontal object like a banister is fine as it will generally stay well. If tagging, say a pole, I like to sew the tag but also but a cable tie at the top of the pole and middle, just for added security.
Keep in mind - sewing takes a long time. If you have a piece that you need to run and dash - use cable ties. If you're able to stand around for a bit then sewing is fine.
TIP: If sewing a long piece, attach yarn at every third of the way along. Once you've sewn and reached the new piece of yarn, use that one and carry along to the next third. Using one long piece of yarn for the whole piece is irritating. The yarn can become tangled and it's very hard to keep it looking nice the whole way along.
5. Pre-planner or not? Find your yarn bombing location now or later.
Are you a pre-planner? Another part of yarn bombing is working out what type of person you are with your planning. Are you someone that wants to plan everything before hand. Do you go out and measure your work and then plan the sort of yarn bomb you want? Or will you just go with the flow and work something up and hope you can find an object that will fit the tag?
Personally, I'm a bit of both but more of a planner. Sometimes I'll just make something and hope it fits but more of the time, I like to make up projects or ideas and plan everything and follow it through to the end. I like to measure the object, work out how much yarn I'll need, work out what colors I'll make it and then work on it until the end.
6. Yarn bombing in the light or dark?

Are you game enough to yarn bomb in the day or will you put on your blacks and slink around in the dark? Suss out what your area is like. Will someone bother you if you're tagging in the day? Are you likely to be pulled over by the council or the police? What do you feel more safe doing? Do you want to go it alone or would you rather take a friend or another fellow yarn bomber. Personally I've found safety in numbers. It's easier to pull the "It's for a community art project" line if you're with a bunch of people. Try and rope someone in with you, even if all they do is take photos of you and keep a watch out.
7. Anonymous or not? Leave a tag or not?
Some yarn bombers prefer to remain anonymous and not leave a "calling card" and some love to know that a supporter can find out who is leaving wonderful tags around. Cards or labels can be bought over the internet or made at home. I make mine on the Vistaprint website and have them shipped to me. Before putting on a tag, I usually laminate them to protect them from the rain.

8. Taking photo's is a must!
Be prepared to know that your tag might not last a long time - therefore photos are a must! Try to get them straight after you've put them up otherwise if you say to yourself "I'll come back later and photograph them", you might come back later to an empty spot. Take several shots with varying angles and set up's. People love to see lots of photos of your handy work.

9. Blog your work.
Blogging about your yarn bombing is fun. It also provides people a chance to comment on what you've been doing. Also don't just blog about the end result of yarn bombing. People like to see your work's in progress as you go along, and then the eventual yarn bombing expedition.
I hope this helps a bit. Try yarn bombing once and then you'll be hooked. Give it a go! It's awesome fun.

More helpful links:
What You'll Need To Take When Yarn Bombing
Things To Remember About Yarn Bombing
Ideas For Yarn Bombs To Make

Luv Bali.

P.S. Feel free to repost or link this to other blogs/sites etc.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Getting It Together

Hello all and welcome to Twilight Taggers first blog. 

I'm just getting it together and finally sitting down to put everything in a blog. There is a facebook page for the group [check it out under Twilight Taggers] but I'm finding that there are restrictions with it and I feel like everything can be more accessable to you all to read here.

Over the coming days/weeks I'll be adding more and more to the blog, like a 'How To' section, a pattern section, more photos etc. If there was anything in particular that you're wondering about yarn bombing or that you wanted an explanation about, then just let me know and I'll add it to the list of things to do.

You'll notice that I've added photos down the side of the page. Just click on the photo and it will take you to my Flickr account with the rest of the photos under that heading. There's quite a lot so have fun looking around. I'm currently waiting for pay day to come so I can upgrade to a Pro account, so some of the photos may be hiding as I've reached the max limit to show for a free account.

I'm only just new to blogspot and I'm used to Livejournal, so if anyone has any tips or suggestions for the page/the content of the page/the layout of the page, then please suggest away.

If you're interested in hiring me for a community project [etc] then please email me with your comments/requirements and we'll chat it over. Email me at twilighttaggers@gmail.com.
